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SCS 8 12 Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun_Various Lighting Effects

With the main concept art by Alexander, Kriegerman compared to the actual model was slightly tweaked. I didn't add certain areas in the model as well as the texturing of the gun doesn't have the green lines instead I added small circles. 

With this small prop, I wanted to keep the model polycount as low as possible with it being below 4 k as well as the tris count being under 4k. 

The reason why I wanted to have such a low polycount was that I wanted to make the model look more detailed when it came to texturing the shotgun.

The Shotgun took me a day to model, texture and render it out also it took me another day to compile it all into a technical sheet. 
Time to make 2 days.

Rubbish Street Diorama's

Version 1 is an old art piece that I decided to redo the texturing since I've improved my texturing skills and I also wanted to make sure that all the models were done in one UV Map which was accomplished in Version 2. 

Since the first version was done poorly concerning that each model had its own separate UV Map, which looking back now it was a bad mistake. But on the other hand, the texturing for Version 1came out surprisingly good since everything was made within Photoshop since my Substance Painter skills weren't as developed as it is now given the texturing in Version 2.

Ancient Civilisation Diorama

Version 1 is an old art piece that I decided to redo the texturing since I've improved my texturing skills and I also wanted to make sure that all the models were done in one UV Map which was accomplished in Version 2. 

Since the first version was done poorly concerning that each model had its own separate UV Map, which looking back now it was a bad mistake. But on the other hand, the texturing for Version 1came out surprisingly good since everything was made within Photoshop since my Substance Painter skills weren't as developed as it is now given the texturing in Version 2.

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