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Final Major Project BA(Hons) Games Art / University of Northampton

Took part in the Rookies Competition and achieved two rewards which are listed below


2018 Awards


Excellence Award


C Ranking


A semi - dystonia environment piece that is based on American culture, this Project reflects a sense of abandonment due to you being trapped in an enclosed area unable to get out.

Also, this project conveys a variety of emotions such as calmness, happiness, sadness and a vibe of mystery.


The Sitting Room Dark and Bright Lighting

This is a short project that I made a few months ago which took me about a week to make, so I decided to revisit this piece and refine it further than the previous version ( Dark Lighting ) due to a hard reflection in my work and decided to improve the lighting in the scene by increasing it slightly so it's more visible towards the eye and that you can see the props in the scene more clearly.

Initially with this project's interaction of work a few months ago I had a few hurdles in the art pipeline such as getting the UV mapping for each asset to be consistent by using a checkerboard map whilst making 4 individual UV maps by merging some the assets together.

Texturing the entire project was easy to complete and I found it to be enjoyable since I learnt more aspects of using Substance Painter and new methods to increase my workflow when using it.

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